LOLOL!!! Okay, to the class who made this, no offence at all okay!
This happens to be the only photo I have on today's uh, racial harmony tour around the school since it looks pretty..interesting, ain't it :D
The tour was abit dots since I didn't play any games, but I would have happily agreed if anybody asked me to play zero point okay! (MY FAVOURITE CHILDHOOD GAME) Bought kacang puteh from ElizaBIRD :D Ngikhiong koped alot so I tricked her haha! HAHA.
Don't remind me of what happened in class afterwards, I simply went BONKERS and talked ALOT of crap.
Some random person JUST added me on msn and said "salam" o_O AND EVEN SENT ME A NUDGE?! sounds like a malay, but its racial harmony day tomorrow, so SHOULD I SAY HI OR JUST IGNORE STRANGERS AH?!?!
Anyway, some ant (BIG FLYING ANT) got into our class today, crawled through the girls' tables and they started going "ahhh" (i think). The very shy ant must've been afraid of female existence, so it crawled over to ChongRui's table.
Chongrui smashed it with the chair's leg, and discovered it was still alive, so he squashed it again.
BUT it was STILL alive, so he poured water over it...BUT its little legs were still paddling about in the "pond" it got squished AGAIN by the mighty chair leg, its head and wings were dismantled/dislocated, and it had GREEN BLOOD okay.
The number of times it got "killed"? I lost count. Here's when it REALLY died:
no, the red thing is just PAINT.
I told my mom I didn't want to go to school today but she didn't allow again lol. Anyway, it was cause MY YAN YU WAS LEFT UNTOUCHED.
Yesterday, I told myself I'd get up after half an hour to start on yan yu. GUESS WHAT, I HAD THREE ALARMS, MY MOM TRIED TO WAKE ME UP AT 2, but nothing worked.....
normal cycle la, so all the studying for Yan yu was done in school again -.- Luckily the paper was okay, if not I'd feel SUPER guilty for falling asleep at 1230. good job.
SS test was abit indirect, THANKS ANNIA FOR TEACHING ME SS YESTERDAY! it was the most productive mentoring session ever, really ^_^ and you saved my life by helping me scan in the yan yu (lost mine)~
For the first time in ages, the trip down was made with ANNIA and SIYUN, where we shared a coke float at the end of our journey ^_^ I enjoyed myself alot talking to you lame peopleeee :D
Studying for me was productive cause I finished CAUSES of conflict for northern Ireland AND paper 1 for emaths :D
Annia was my mentor for PMS, so she got herself a yan yan. Don't blame my for being so laggy, but its my first time seeing this dip-in-sugar yanyan~
cute panda leh!
even cuter biscuit stick!
absolutely adorable :D
I tried taking a picture of it in the air but it focused on something else instead ;p
warning: 我有暴力倾向
Don't say I didn't warn you hahahah!
Job easily done with a penknife :D CAN MAKE LANTERN WITH YANYAN BOX YOU KNOW?!
4L got last minute notice for our Bio SPA, thus nobody studied and mine got REALLY screwed. Ms poh passed the message around on SUNDAY, which said the spa was to be held NEXT WEEK, but it got pushed forward to yesterday (REALLY LAST MINUTE NOTICE).
20 percent for olevels is from spa dammit, this skill 3 is a sure-fail for me -.-
COOKIES FROM XUANEEE! :D (best stuff ever)
saw this cute grocery bag on the mrt the other day, ain't it uh, cute -.-
no not cute I think its very lame cause its owner's like 30+ years lol.
& I've proved the theory right, there'll always be a couple pda-ing (public display of affection) in each carriage. The one in mine happened to be students in school uniform.
If you want to pda, please take off your uniform at the very least -__-
And you think you all very cool har?! Ya la, everything also got of course cool righttt. I'm not gonna type anything else here but there's ALOT to say. I'm not pissed, just speechless. (..........)
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